menchu tum is the youngest person to do what

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Rigoberta Menchu Breadbasket

137713 Rigoberta Menchu Kingkongphoto & from Laurel Maryland, Us [CC BY-SA (] 1992 Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchú thinks of herself, first and foremost, as an indigenous woman, even though her Mayan heritage puts her in disadvantage in Guatemala, her home country.

The indigenous people, with their multi-colored Huipils, are the native dwellers of the Americas for thousands of years. European explorers, or conquistadors, came to America in the 15th century, bringing with them diseases and guns. They also exploited the gold found in America to build majestic buildings in Europe. Considering of the European explorers, the cultural artifacts of the ethnic people were ruined; their people died of European diseases. The Europeans also married the indigenous people, producing children who were culturally orphaned. Thus, the Europeans most completely wiped out the indigenous culture. In Guatemala, the authorities is fabricated up of Ladinos, one of the various indigenous groups. Ethnic people bore near of the brunt from both the Ladino government and the guerrillas.

Rigoberta Menchú, as so many other indigenous people did, lost members of her family unit from murders orchestrated past the Ladinos government. Her father, Vincente Menchú, was involved in a protest against the government earlier the government kidnapped and murdered him. Following the murder of her father, Rigoberta's mother was raped, tortured and killed. The army also assassinated Rigoberta'due south blood brother, Petrocinio.

Rigoberta'due south family is only another sad example of the Ladinos government's oppression towards indigenous people. Since they are non acknowledged every bit citizens, they receive no protection from the government, and take to constantly ransom the corrupt government to stay out of jail. The government also intentionally looks for the people'southward faults to create lawsuits against them in order to receive bribes. Further, the poor Guatemalans are non entitled to their lands; once they die, the state reverts to the regime and not their children.

Menchú became involved with diverse groups in their struggle for the indigenous people out of personal conviction and sense of justice. Because of her fight against the government, Menchú was labeled an enemy, and had to flee Guatemala for her life. During her fourth dimension abroad, she met many people who were sympathetic to the indigenous people's plight. Her friends persuaded her to write a book about her life.

For a calendar week she was interviewed by a French anthropologist who then produced the book I, Rigoberta Menchú. The book won much acclaim from the international society and brought focus to Guatemala. Information technology lifted Menchú'due south status from an indigenous peasant to a living legend.

When Menchú wrote her volume, I, Rigoberta Menchú, the guerrilla motility was at its peak. By the following decade, however, the movement had lost much support becaus the ethnic people did non benefit from the move and only wanted the fighting to end. The guerrillas and the government soldiers occupied tyrannical positions, and the indigenous people felt defenseless in the boxing betwixt the two hostile groups.

A decade later, Menchú received a surprise call from a friend congratulating her for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. An hour later on word came out that she had indeed won the prize, provoking mixed reactions from many sources. Some were glad, since the prize means more exposure for the struggle of ethnic people. Others griped that they never appointed Menchú equally their leader and spokesman. She was both the showtime ethnic person and the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. People all over Guatemala lit firecrackers, and toasted Menchú, who held a celebration for all her supporters.

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Works Consulted

* Menchu, Rigoberta. Crossing Borders. Verso, 1998.

* Stoll, David. Rigoberta Menchu and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. Westview Press, 1999.

David Stoll's book, Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans maintains that Menchú dramatized much of her life in her book. However, most of the people whom Stoll interviewed are sympathetic towards Rigoberta and do not care that Menchú dramatized her story. In their minds, she had suffered equally many Guatemalans did. In that fashion, Menchú had become a living icon of all the indigenous people's sufferings. However, the few who had read Menchú'southward volume were enraged by her book.

Even though some people branded Menchú equally a liar, the Nobel commission did not cancel her Nobel Prize, and Menchú nevertheless has a huge grouping of supporters. Considering of the popularity of her books, people are drawn to the plight of the indigenous people. In the end, though the stories depicted in I, Rigoberta Menchú is not her own true story, it is an paradigm of the story of all poor Guatemalans.


Rigoberta Menchú's argument in response to the September eleven attacks.

A Call for Wise Judgement

After careful consideration of today'southward events, I would like to share the post-obit thoughts:

ane. I firmly condemn the horrible terrorist attacks that have taken thousands of innocent civilian lives and have provoked an unpredictable screw of violent consequences. Terrorism, wherever information technology may come from, is a politically unjustified and morally unacceptable behavior.

2. I limited my profound condolences and solidarity with the victims, their families and the American people.

3. I phone call upon serenity and wise judgment to avoid a rushed and insensate response that could only result in an offensive revenge that only would feed an escalation of violence, that although knowing how and where it begins, nobody could predict when it is going to end.

four. I call upon the use of all bachelor resource leading to a dialogue in order to build a world based on a common agreement, a fair acknowledgement of the problems that the international community faces, the existence of international police and an institutional framework, and the manner the existing -selective and unilateral- hegemonic system affects a peaceful cohabitation.

5. I exhort the international community non to fall in a logic of state of war, seeking retribution for old and new controversies amongst nations and justifying actions confronting groups and sectors that have non plant a pluralist disposition for the recognition and respect of their private expressions in the existing institutional frameworks.

6. I telephone call upon the media to avert alarmist sensationalism based on interpretations of strong ideological bias that simply increases the confusion and feeds the ghosts of intolerance.

7. Finally, I telephone call upon the world'due south civil society, Nobel Prize Laureates, and all world leaders, not to rush to conclusions on today'due south events conforming instead a broad FRONT FOR WISE JUDGMENT in club to terminate the cowardly use of violence and avoid further suffering to humanity.

Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Goodwill Ambassador of the Culture for Peace
Mexico Metropolis, September 11, 2001

United nations voto por la cordura

Luego de conocer los sucesos que han conmovido al mundo desde las primeras horas de hoy, deseo hacer pública mi posición en los siguientes términos:

i. Condeno firmemente los repudiables actos terroristas que han costado miles de vidas civiles inocentes y han desatado una espiral de violencia de consecuencias imprevisibles. El terrorismo, venga de donde venga, es una conducta políticamente injustificable y moralmente inaceptable.

two. Expreso mi más profundo sentimiento de condolencia y solidaridad con las víctimas, sus familias y el pueblo estadounidense.

iii. Hago un llamado a la serenidad y la cordura para evitar responder a la provocación y la insensatez con lo que podría resultar en una ofensiva revanchista que únicamente alimentaría una escalada de violencia que sabiendo cómo y dónde empieza, nadie podría prever cómo ni cuándo terminaría.

4. Invoco a extremar los recursos que hagan posible el diálogo entre un sistema mundial hegemónico, que incluye y excluye selectiva y unilateralmente, y la radicalidad desesperada de las respuestas que ha engendrado.

5. Alerto a la comunidad internacional sobre el peligro de que las acciones de estos grupos terroristas contribuyan a desatar una lógica de guerra, buscando dirimir viejas y nuevas controversias entre naciones y justificando acciones contra grupos y sectores que no han encontrado una disposición pluralista para el reconocimiento y respeto a sus expresiones identitarias en los marcos institucionales actuales.

6. Hago un llamado a los medios de comunicación a evitar el alarmismo fundado en interpretaciones de fuerte filiación ideológica, que sólo acrecienta la confusión y alimenta los fantasmas de la intolerancia.

7. Finalmente, convoco a la sociedad ceremonious del planeta, a los Premios Nobeles y a quienes ostentan la responsabilidad de gobernar todos los países del mundo, a no precipitar conclusiones sobre los acontecimientos de hoy y comprometernos en united nations gran FRENTE DE LA CORDURA, que detenga la cobarde insensatez de la violencia y evite mayores sufrimientos a la humanidad.

Ciudad de México, xi de septiembre de 2001
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Premio Nobel de la Paz
Embajadora de Buena Voluntad de la Cultura de Paz

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